Thursday 24 September 2009

每日一词学英语(149-24/09/09): puddle

月球表面每吨土壤含水量达一升。不过,说起“月球上的水”,并不是说湖、海或水洼。Carle Pieters, of Brown University, who led the Chandrayaan-1 observation team, said: “When we say ‘water on the moon’, we are not talking about lakes, oceans or even puddles. 月球上的水特指月球表层几毫米内与岩石分子和粉尘相互作用的水分子和羟基。(From The Times, September 24, 2009: Moon 'has a litre of water for every tonne of soil')

puddle: (noun) a small amount of water or other liquid, especially rain, that has collected in one place on the ground. 水洼;小水坑;(尤指)雨水坑。

Wednesday 23 September 2009

每日一词学英语(148-23/09/09): hung

英国自由民主党党魁Nick Clegg高调宣布将成为下届首相。Although he said Labour was “lost”, Mr Clegg did not directly rule out putting Gordon Brown back in Downing Street in the event of a hung Parliament. (From Times Online, September 23, 2009: We have replaced Labour claims Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg) 他认为,工党虽然已经败了,不过布朗还不是就没有了重返唐宁街的可能。

hung: (adj.) [only before noun] (of a parliament or council) (BrE) in which no political party has more elected members than all the other parties added together.

hung parliament: 【英】没有多数党的议会。

每日一词学英语(147-22/09/09): lymph

Dendritic cells normally latch on to bacteria and viruses before migrating to the lymph nodes, where they present the alien material to the immune system’s “killer” T-cells that seek and destroy such invaders. (From Economist, September 22, 2009: Identifying the enemy within)

lymph发音是[limf],中文根据拉丁文lympha译成“淋巴”,意思是:(noun) [U] a clear liquid containing white blood cells that helps to clean the tissues of the body and helps to prevent infections from spreading。

lymph node是“淋巴结”。

Sunday 20 September 2009

每日一词学英语(146-21/09/09): bear the brunt of

英国政府削减开支,教育机构首当其冲。“Federations between schools may be a good idea but must not be required as a way to make cuts,” she added - calling for the Government’s academies programme to bear the brunt of cuts. (From Times Online, September 20, 2009: Unions alarmed by Ed Balls schools cuts)

bear, take, etc. the brunt of sth: to receive the main force of sth unpleasant. 首当其冲。
*Schools will bear the brunt of cuts in government spending.

Saturday 19 September 2009

每日一词学英语(145-20/09/09): E coli

E coli即Escherichia coli,又写作E. coli,(noun) [U] a type of bacteria that lives inside humans and some animals, some forms of which can cause food poisoning,大肠杆菌。

Hugh Pennington, emeritus professor of bacteriology at the University of Aberdeen, said E coli 0157 was prevalent in cows, sheep and goats, with research showing about one in 10 cows carried the bug and 40% of herds. (From The Sunday Times, September 20, 2009: Parents warned of high E coli risk on farms)

每日一词学英语(144-19/09/09): quango

In weird parallel, another quango set up to safeguard the public is also in the headlines—but this time the story is about overkill, not complacency. (From The Economist, September 17, 2009: A toxic mix)

quango: (noun) (pl. -os) (often disapproving) (in Britain) an organization dealing with public matters, started by the government, but working independently and with its own legal powers.
*The government appoints hundreds of people to voluntary bodies, quangos and committees of all kinds.

Etymology: The initial letters (the first two letters for the first word) of "quasi-autonomous non-governmental organization". 准自制非政府机构。

Friday 18 September 2009

每日一词学英语(143-18/09/09): with flying colors

第一次面试顺利通过,接下来会有第二次面试。You passed the first interview with flying colors and you just got a call to schedule a second interview. (From About: Second Interview Tips)

with flying colors: very well; with a very high mark/grade. 出色地,成功地。
*She passed the exam with flying colours.

这个词组的起源是:In the past, a ship returned to port after a victory in battle decorated with flags (= colors).

Thursday 17 September 2009

每日一词学英语(142-17/09/09): paediatric

The Association of Paediatric Emergency Medicine (APEM), which represents A&E specialists, called on the Government to make it illegal for children under 16 to cycle without wearing head protection. (From Times Online, September 17, 2009: A&E doctors demand that child cyclists be forced to wear helmets)

第30课(28 May 2009)提过词根“pedia-”,是“儿童”的意思。pediatric是形容词,儿科的,paediatric是其英式拼法。

上面那句话中“A&E”是Accident & Emergency的缩写。代表事故和急救专家的英国儿科急救医学协会呼吁政府制定法律,要求16岁以下孩子骑车必须戴头盔。这样可以大幅降低儿童头部伤害事故。


Wednesday 16 September 2009

每日一词学英语(141-16/09/09): Achilles’ heel


Achilles’ heel (alternative spelling of Achilles heel)是单数形式,复数是在heel后加s。noun [sing.] a weak point or fault in sb’s character, which can be attacked by other people。
*The desire for publicity became her Achilles heel.
*The enemy had an Achilles heel somewhere, if only he could find it.
*About 8 per cent of Caucasian men but fewer than 0.5 per cent of females are colour blind. The reason for this lies in a genetic Achilles’ heel particular to males. (From Times Online, September 16, 2009: X marks the spot: why men don't see red – or green) 白种男人有8%是色盲,而白种女人只有0.5%是色盲。这是因为人类尤其是男人在基因上的致命弱点。

Monday 14 September 2009

每日一词学英语(140-15/09/09): sommelier

The soaring popularity of the sommelier course is part of a much wider explosion of interest among the Japanese in “treasures of the soil”. (From The Times, September 14, 2009: Japan’s recession brings growing interest in fruit and vegetables)

今天这个词源于法语,意思是:斟酒侍者,A wine steward. The person at an expensive restaurant who keeps the wine cellar and advises guests on a choice of wines (Wiktionary)。
*The sommelier recommended the perfect wine, opened the bottle with panáche, and served it perfectly. 斟酒侍者给推荐了美酒,花哨地开了瓶子,漂亮地倒上酒。

Sunday 13 September 2009

每日一词学英语(139-14/09/09): saloon

英国的媒体坚持使用英式英语的拼写和用词,比如saloon或saloon car(美式英语是sedan): a car with four doors and a boot/trunk (= space at the back for carrying things) which is separated from the part where the driver and passengers sit,小轿车;(三厢式)四门轿车。
*a five-seater family saloo

Second-hand car prices are soaring, with the average saloon worth £600 more than last year. (From Mirror, 13/09/2009: Price of used cars up 30%) 二手车价格飙升,四门轿车平均价格比去年上涨了600镑。


Saturday 12 September 2009

每日一词学英语(138-13/09/09): profiteer

英国的房贷机构(银行、信用社等)可够黑的,存款利率这么低,房贷利率却一个劲儿地往上涨。专家警告说,如果房贷机构继续这么牟取暴利,等英国央行开始上调利率了,固定期的房贷利率得涨到10%以上。Experts warned that fixed-rate mortgages could soar to 10% when the Bank of England starts to raise rates again, if lenders continue to profiteer. (From The Sunday Times, September 13, 2009: Lenders ignore Bank rate freeze)

profiteer在这儿是动词,to make excessive profits on goods in short supply,牟取暴利:供应短缺时牟取暴利。由profit+eer而来,也可做名词:投机商。

Friday 11 September 2009

每日一词学英语(137-12/09/09): bullion

bullion: (noun) [U] gold or silver in large amounts or in the form of bars。大量的金(或银);金(或银)条。
*gold bullion

周二金价每盎司突破1,000美元,是否会上探史上最高的1,030.8美元大关?Gold smashed through the $1,000 an ounce mark on Tuesday, prompting goldbugs to come out of the woodwork and start exclaiming that bullion will soon test the all-time high of $1,030.8. (From Times Online, September 9, 2009: Why it may not be time to invest in gold)

Thursday 10 September 2009

每日一词学英语(136-11/09/09): tantalisingly

动词tantalize的意思是make a person or an animal want sth that they cannot have or do,挑逗,将某种令人渴望的事物摆在(另一个人或动物)面前同时却又把它放在够不着的地方以达到刺激目的。

英国对抗猪流感的战斗一直在进行着。Prof Sir Liam Donaldson, the Chief Medical Officer说,I think that we are tantalisingly close to being able to win the battle against this pandemic virus. (From Telegraph, 10 September 2009: Swine flu: Britain 'tantalisingly close to winning fight') 这场战斗即将取得胜利,不过还没完全取胜,正到了最后令人抓狂的阶段。要防止10月第二波病毒,采取即时、有效预防措施。

*The tantalizing aroma of fresh coffee wafted towards them.
*a tantalizing glimpse of the future
*The branch was tantalizingly out of reach. 怎么够也够不着那根树枝,真让人着急。

每日一词学英语(135-10/09/09): running

The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee voted today to hold interest rates at 0.5 per cent for the sixth month running. (From Times Online, September 10, 2009: Bank of England keeps rates on hold at 0.5%) 英国央行连续第六个月维持0.5%的历史最低利率不变。继续刺激经济,通胀时代尚未到来。

running: used after a number and a noun such as ‘year’ ‘day’ or ‘time’, to say that sth has happened in the same way several times, without a change。
*She’s won the championship three years running.
*It was the third day running that the train had been late.
*No party has won an election four times running.


Wednesday 9 September 2009

每日一词学英语(134): diminutive


Jack是John的昵称,父母觉得Jack听上去可靠,所以这个名字有持久的吸引力,能连续13年夺冠。Experts say that the enduring appeal of the name Jack, originally a diminutive of John, is because it sounds trustworthy. (From Times Online, September 9, 2009: Jack and Olivia most popular baby names)

diminutive: a short informal form of a word, especially a name.
*‘Nick’ is a common diminutive of ‘Nicholas’.

旁白:本博最新全球排名566.1302万(September 9, 2009)。

Tuesday 8 September 2009

每日一词学英语(133): speak volumes

给孩子起名字是件颇费思量的事,古今中外莫不如此。It speaks volumes, not only about your tastes but about your hopes for your child’s future. (From The Times, September 8, 2009: Baby names: Is he a Hugo or a Jack?)

speak volumes:很有意义。

Monday 7 September 2009

每日一词学英语(132): plough into

Man killed as bus ploughs into William Hill shop (From Telegraph, 7 September 2009)

plough into sb/sth: (especially of a vehicle or its driver) to crash violently into sth especially because you are driving too fast or not paying enough attention.
*A truck ploughed into the back of the bus.

Sunday 6 September 2009

每日一词学英语(131): arguably

最近一段时间英国的媒体关于The Beatles的报导渐渐多起来了,The Times有Beatles专栏,BBC也放了不少专题片(比如昨晚在BBC2),大概是为了纪念这个乐队解散40周年?

John Lennon did many brilliant things in his life, but arguably one of his most inspired acts was his deliberate destruction of the Beatles in 1969 — just 40 years ago this month. (From The Sunday Times, September 6, 2009: Exclusive: John Lennon, the lost interviews) 列侬一生有许多辉煌,按理说,1969年9月解散Beatles是其中一个神来之笔。

arguably: (adv.) used, often before a comparative or superlative adjective, when you are stating an opinion which you believe you could give reasons to support. (常用于形容词比较级或最高级前)可论证地,按理。
*He is arguably the best actor of his generation.

Saturday 5 September 2009

每日一词学英语(130): hold out

Twitter歌剧上演。I wasn't holding out much hope for Twitterdammerung: the Twitter Opera. (From Telegraph, 5 September, 2009: First Twitter opera given premier) 作者并没抱多大希望。

hold out sth: to offer a chance, hope or possibility of sth.
*Doctors hold out little hope of her recovering.

hold out有多种意思,今天讲的是它与hope搭配,表示“给予(希望)”。

旁白:本博Alexa全球排名首次突破600万,最新排名566.3368万(September 5, 2009)。

Friday 4 September 2009

每日一词学英语(129): hands-on

要想当医生,不光要有理论知识,还得有实践经验。Professor Tony Weetman, chair of the Medical Schools Council, said that he welcomed the greater emphasis on hands-on experience for undergraduate students. 实际经验对医学院的学生很重要。 (From The Times, September 2, 2009: ‘Tomorrow’s doctors’ must learn hands-on skills, under new GMC rules) 标题中的GMC指General Medical Council。

hands-on: (adj.) [usually before noun] doing sth rather than just talking about it. 动手的,实际操作的。
*hands-on computer training
*to gain hands-on experience of industry
*a hands-on style of management

对比一下,hands-off: (adj.) [usually before noun] dealing with people or a situation by not becoming involved and by allowing people to do what they want to. 不插手的,不干涉的。
*a hands-off approach to staff management

Thursday 3 September 2009

每日一词学英语(128): glaring

经济合作与发展组织(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD)说,G7的多数国家2009年的经济表现都会比6月预测的好,只有英国例外。The organisation, which exists to promote economic growth and development, said that several of the economies in the G7 group of developed nations would perform better during the whole of 2009 than it predicted in June — with Britain a glaring exception. (From Times Online, September 3, 2009: Britain to lag world in emerging from recession)

与其它6国形成鲜明对比,所以用glaring: (adj.) [usually before noun] (of sth bad) very easily seen. 同义词:blatant。
*a glaring error / omission / inconsistency / injustice
*the most glaring example of this problem


Wednesday 2 September 2009

每日一词学英语(127): on top of

许多国家在面包中加入叶酸,以增进人们(尤其是孕妇)对叶酸的摄入量。On top of this, pregnant women may be consuming a similar amount of folic acid from supplement pills. 除了从食物中,孕妇们往往还从补药中获取叶酸。(From Economist, August 27, 2009: On the pill)

on top of sth: in addition to sth.
*He gets commission on top of his salary.
*On top of everything else, my car’s been stolen.

Tuesday 1 September 2009

每日一词学英语(126): own up

鸠山将于18号正式当选日本首相,他在经济和军事方面的对美政策不是亲美,而是偏向反美,虽然他没有完全承认这一点。Rather than benign blandness, he took a sceptical view of Japan’s economic and military relations with the United States, which hinted at — without ever fully owning up to — something close to anti-Americanism. (From The Times, September 2, 2009: World agenda: Yukio Hatoyama can't afford to distance Japan from the US)

own up (to sth / to doing sth): to admit that you are responsible for sth bad or wrong。坦白,爽快承认。同义词:confess。
*I’m still waiting for someone to own up to the breakages.
*Why don’t you just own up and hope she forgives you?