Monday, 1 June 2009

每日一词学英语(34): a volley of

Susan大妈虽屈居第二,却比第一名Diversity更吸引眼球。Times Online报道,她因成名太快而遭受巨大压力以致入院,连布朗首相都间接打电话表示关注(Gordon Brown phones Cowell to check up on Susan Boyle)。

The 48-year-old spinster reportedly unleashed a volley of abuse after a row at her hotel before the final and was said to have thrown water over a studio floor manager during a tantrum after the show. 现年48岁的Susan终身未婚,决赛前,她在所住旅馆里与人争吵并屡屡出言不逊;比赛结束后,据传她向舞台现场指挥身上泼水以泄怒气。

Volley作名词本意是:the simultaneous firing of a number of missiles or bullet; the projectiles so fired。A volley of表示“A bursting forth of many things together(许多东西一起爆发出)”,如:a volley of oaths; a volley of curses。

The Washington Post(Jan. 18, 2009): Livid Investors Launch A Volley of Lawsuits 投资者怒气难消,诉讼案接连不断
The New York Times(Nov. 4, 2004): A Volley of Fire From a Fast-Moving Target 目标移动迅速,炮火连连

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