Sunday 23 August 2009

每日一词学英语(117): spurn

英国人过去一直用烘干机烘干衣服,现在渐渐开始改为在室外凉衣服,超市里的晾衣绳和卡子因此热销。For the first time in 50 years, Brits are spurning tumble dryers in favour of old-fashioned line-drying: washing lines and wooden clothes pegs are flying off supermarket shelves. (From BBC, 30 April 2008: Drying clothes outside)

Tumble dryers are the most energy intensive household applainces - nearly two thirds more than washing machines - and create 310kg of CO2 a year each on average. Drying clothes on a washing line creates no emissions and saves about £70 a year in fuel bills. Plus, drying your clothes in the fresh air doesn't risk shrinking them and shortening their lifespan. 滚筒烘干机是最耗能的家电,比洗衣机多消耗将近三分之二能量,平均每年产生310公斤二氧化碳。室外晾衣碳排放为零,每年节约大约70英镑电费,而且不会让衣服缩水,有助于延长衣服的使用寿命。


spurn: verb [及物动词] to reject or refuse sb/sth, especially in a proud way
*Eve spurned Mark’s invitation.
*a spurned lover
*The president spurned the tight security surrounding him and adopted a more intimate style of campaigning.

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